Most of us want a life of growing peace, love, and joy; a healthy life of insight and self-understanding. We seek balance.  We strive for this better life, each in our unique ways.  And each of us is confronted with our own set of challenges.

Confronted with my own challenges, I began a search. That was the beginning of my conscious spiritual journey — The Journey of Being. And on this journey I found many answers. Some of them surprising.

For over 40 years I have been committed to spiritual unfoldment through deep meditation and spiritual exploration. Quite a few years ago, through spiritual practice and Divine Grace, the promise of awakening occurred, and then further unfoldment followed. And with this, there arose deep insight into reality, unique abilities, and the development of the skill to help others on their Journey of Being.

The Journey of Being is a journey of discovery of who we truly are.  This journey leads to the recognition of our Divine nature, and carries with it the growth of peace, love, joy and harmony. And a new perspective on ourselves, the world around us, and that source of everything, the Divine.

For several years I have been serving others as a mentor, guide, and cheerleader.  The gifts I offer align you with the omnipresent truth of who you are and prepare you for the next step of your Journey of Being.

– Joel


Joel appears in the documentary film “Oneness: journey of awakening.”  Click here for more information.


Joel appears in
the documentary film
Oneness: Journey of Awakening
a film about the current change
of human consciousness.
(click here for more information)